Bronze Sculpture Orders:


bronze sculpture purchases are Custom made orders: Foundry lead times generally running approximately 8 months currently depending on foundry work load at time of order. Approximate delivery time for your purchase to be verified at time of order placement. A 50% deposit is due at time of placing your bronze sculpture or silver sculpture order to reserve your personal edition number and begin the lost wax casting process.

Balance due prior to shipment plus crating/insurance and S/H. Order sculptures by titles, Thank You !

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To Place your Order for our Collector Wildlife Bronze Belt Buckles.

 Bronze belt buckles are $240.00 each plus $12.00 S/H within the United States.

 Call or email for Sterling Silver and Custom sculpted belt buckle prices and/or to place or discuss Bronze Sculpture Orders.

Please Fill out the Order Form on right of this page when paying by Check 

Click Buckle or Buckles of your choice then be sure to include shipping address and contact information then hit Submit.

 Be sure to make a copy for yourself and send us a copy with payment.

In addition We accept PayPal below:

Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
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Golden Eagle
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Rocky Mountain Elk
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American Bald Eagle
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Pacific Northwest Rainbow Trout
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Mallard Ducks
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Belt Buckle Back

Bronze Sculpture Orders:

Please call 541-524-1633 to place sculpture orders or if you have any questions. All bronze sculpture purchases are custom made orders.

Foundry lead times generally run 6 to 8 weeks depending on foundry work load at time of order. Approximate delivery time for your purchase to be verified at time of order placement. A 50% deposit is due at time of placing your bronze sculpture or silver sculpture order to reserve your personal edition number and begin lost wax casting process. Balance due prior to shipment plus crating/insurance and S/H. Order sculptures by titles, Thank You !

To place your Bronze Buckle Order!

For your convenience we Now also accept PayPal for U.S.A. and CANADA

Click Drop Down below then select Buckles of choice from PayPal cart to pay online.

Bronze Belt Buckles ~ USA

Bronze Belt Buckles ~ Canada

Belt buckles are 2¾”H x 3¾”L – Shown in bronze – fit belts up to 1¾” wide

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